外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 3 Sports Are Good For You 课件(59张PPT)+素材 您所在的位置:网站首页 my favorite sport is jogging 外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 3 Sports Are Good For You 课件(59张PPT)+素材

外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 3 Sports Are Good For You 课件(59张PPT)+素材

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(共59张PPT)英英语语Unit 3Sports Are Good for YouYou’ll be able to:describe your favourite sport;talk about different sports activities;write a fitness plan.Look at the picture and discuss:1. What are the students doing 2. Do you like doing sports 目录Contents01Warming up02Listening & Speaking03Reading & Writing04For Better Performance05Around the World06Fun Time07My Progress Check01 Warming up01Warming up1. Listen and match. 听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。go swimmingplay table tennisdo Tai Chigo jogging012. Look and choose. 看图,选出有益于健康的活动或习惯。Warming up01ride a bikego dancingeat fast foodplay video games

02 Listening & Speaking02Listening & Speaking1. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出对话的主题。SportsFamily activities

Wu Lin likes playing (badminton/football) with her (classmates/roommates). Joe is not good at it and he wants Wu Lin to teach him some day. Joe likes playing (basketball/football), which is also much fun.02Listening & Speaking2. Listen again and complete. 再听录音,选择合适的单词补全信息。听力原文badmintonbasketballroommates02Listening & Speaking02Joe: What do you usually do after school, Wu Lin Wu Lin: I usually play badminton with my roommates. It’s a lot of fun.Joe: That’s great. But I’m not good at badminton. Maybe you can teach me some day.Wu Lin: Sure. By the way, what do you usually do after class Joe: I play basketball with my classmates. It’s also much fun.Wu Lin: Yeah, you guys like to play basketball together.Joe: You got it!中文翻译Listening & Speaking02乔:吴琳,你放学之后通常都做什么?吴琳:我通常会和室友打羽毛球。非常有意思。乔:真好啊。不过我不太会打羽毛球。或许哪天你能教教我。吴琳:没问题。顺便问下,你下课后都做什么啊?乔:我会和同学们打篮球。也很有趣。吴琳:是啊,你们男生喜欢一起打篮球。乔:是这样的!题目Listening & Speaking023. Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据提示谈论运动项目。play tenniswith my sisterplay footballwith my friendsListening & SpeakinginterestingenjoyableTIPplay 可与不同的运动项目搭配使用,但对应的中文翻译却各有不同,如:playping-pong(打乒乓球),play football(踢足球),play chess下国际象棋)等。024. Listen and complete. 听录音,填写李伟的健身计划表。听力原文Listening & SpeakingLi Wei’s exercise planSport Club How oftenevery morningplay basketballgo jogginga jogging cluba basketball clubtwo or three times a week02Listening & Speaking02Lyn: Hi, Li Wei. Long time no see. You look so refreshed.Li Wei: Thanks. I quit playing video games recently and now do sports regularly.Lyn: Good for you! What sports do you do Li Wei: I’ve joined two sports clubs—a jogging club and a basketball club. Every morning, I go jogging on campus for half an hour. And I play basketball two or three times a week.Lyn: Your active life sounds cool!Li Wei: I enjoy it. Have you joined any sports clubs Lyn: No, I’m too busy with my studies.Li Wei: Come on. Getting regular exercise can help you stay focused when studying.Lyn: Really Maybe I should try it.中文翻译Listening & SpeakingGrammar in use动名词(v.-ing 形式)可以像名词一样用作主语、宾语或表语。02琳恩:嗨,李伟。好久不见。你看起来神清气爽。李伟:谢谢。我最近不打电子游戏了,而且现在经常运动。琳恩:真不错!你都做什么运动?李伟:我加入了两个运动俱乐部——慢跑俱乐部和篮球俱乐部。每天早上我会在校园里慢跑半小时。每周还会打两三次篮球。琳恩:你充实的生活听起来很酷!李伟:我享受这样的生活。你参加了什么运动俱乐部吗?琳恩:没有,我学习太忙了。李伟:别这样。规律的运动可以帮助你在学习时更好地集中精力。琳恩:真的吗?或许我该尝试一下。题目Listening & Speaking025. Discuss and share. 讨论并分享你的运动计划。Listening & Speaking03 Reading & Writing03Reading & Writing1. Read and answer. 读下面关于全民健身的文章,回答问题。The 8th of August is China’s National Fitness Day. It was set up to celebrate the 2008 Beijing Olympics and to encourage people to exercise and strengthen their bodies. But, beyond that annual day, national fitness has now become a way of life in China. You can always find people, the young and the elderly, getting together daily in parks, gyms and city squares to do physical exercise or play games, such as jogging, Tai Chi, dancing, basketball, football and badminton.1. What’s the text about 2. When is China’s National Fitness Day 3. Will you join in the national fitness trend Why or why not 03Reading & Writing中文翻译Students are encouraged to be part of this national fitness trend. Various sports activities can be found both on and off campus. You can join in fitness events that you are good at, or just wish to try out. You’re sure to find some sports that suit you. While enjoying the fun of exercising, you will also discover how regular exercise is good for your mind and your body. So, step outdoors and leave behind your mobile phone—to breathe some fresh air and move your body!Grammar in use文中出现的由that 引导的定语从句,在句中作定语,修饰名词或代词。03原文Reading & Writing8月8日是我国的全民健身日。8月8日是我国的全民健身日。它的设立是为了庆祝2008年北京奥运会,鼓励人们锻炼身体、强健体魄。但全民健身已经不仅仅局限在这一天了,它已经成为中国人的一种生活方式。你总能看到老老少少每天聚集在公园、健身房和城市广场锻炼身体或玩游戏,如慢跑、打太极、跳舞、打篮球、踢足球和打羽毛球。学生们被鼓励参与到这一全民健身的潮流中来。校园内外有各种各样的体育活动。你可以参加自己擅长或是想尝试一下的健身活动。你总会找到适合自己的运动。在享受运动乐趣的同时,你还会发现经常锻炼给心灵和身体带来的益处。所以,走向户外,放下手机——去呼吸一下新鲜空气,活动活动身体吧!03What’s the text about It’s about China’s national fitness trend.2. When is China’s National Fitness Day It’ on the 8th of August.3. Will you join in the national fitness trend Why or why not Open-ended.Reading & Writing03Reading & Writing2. Read again and complete. 再读上文,填写下图。National fitness trendThe young and the elderly.We can join in fitness events.It can help us enjoy the fun of exercising, refresh our mind and strengthen our body.Who takes part in it What can we do What can it bring us 033. Read and decide. 读下文,判断周博的健身计划是否可行。Reading & WritingIn the eyes of his classmates, Zhou Bo is a couch potato. He seldom takes part in any sports. Besides, he is a huge lover of fast food and soft drinks. Recently, Zhou Bo has become very upset about his weight. He has decided to go on a diet and to exercise regularly. Here is his fitness plan. What do you think of it TIPcouch potato(沙发土豆)是指总是泡在电视机前、不运动的人。你身边有couchpotato 吗?中文翻译033. Read and decide. 读下文,判断周博的健身计划是否可行。Reading & Writing在同学们的眼里,周博是一个电视迷。他很少参加任何运动。另外,他还特别喜欢快餐和软饮料。最近,周博对自己的体重感到很苦恼。他决定节食,并且经常锻炼。这是他的健身计划。你觉得他的计划怎么样?TIPcouch potato(沙发土豆)是指总是泡在电视机前、不运动的人。你身边有couchpotato 吗?原文033. Read and decide.读下文,判断周博的健身计划是否可行。Reading & WritingI think Zhou Bo’s fitness plan is becauseI think Zhou Bo’s fitness plan is becauseit can help himlose weightgoodnot good enoughtheexercise is too much for a day.034. Read again and write.再读上文,为自己制订一份健身计划。Reading & WritingName:Fitness goal:Age:Weight:Height:Exercise:JoggingBrisk walkSit-upPlankOther exercise:YOU在读表格时,要抓住核心词,通过扫读或浏览,迅速掌握大意、获取信息。Learning strategyGrammar in Use Gerund (v-ing)Find the rules Getting regular exercise can help you stay focused when studying. I quit playing video games recently and now do sports regularly. I like watching sports.动词的-ing 形式在起名词的作用时,被称为动名词。动名词在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语等。如:Jogging is good for your health. ( 主语)Do you like playing football ( 宾语)My favourite activity is playing ping-pong. ( 表语)Do you knowComplete the sentences with the proper form of the words in brackets.Tim hates __________________ (wash) clothes after doing sports.________________ (smoke) is bad for you.__________________ (ski) is my favourite sport.Jane likes ______________ (do) yoga after class.I enjoy __________________ (travel).For more practicewashingGrammar in Use Present simpleSkiingdoingtravellingSmoking You can join in fitness events that you are good at, or just wish to try out. You’re sure to find some sports that suit you.Find the rules定语从句在句中作定语,修饰名词或代词。1.被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词后,由关系代词或关系副词引导。常见的关系代词有who, which, that,whom 等,常见的关系副词有when,where,why 等。这类词都起着三重作用,一是代表前面的名词,二是把从句和主句连接起来,三是在从句中担任一个成分。Do you knowGrammar in Use Attributive clause2. 当先行词是表示“人”的名词或代词时,用who,whom 或that 引导定语从句。如:I met someone who said he knew you.Do you know the boy whom I met at the gate 3. 当先行词是表示“物”的名词或代词时,用that 或which 引导定语从句。如:The noise that he made woke everybody up.I don’t like stories which have unhappy endings.4. 当关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,很多情况下可以省略。如:Have you got the postcard (that) I sent you Do you know the girl (whom) he just talked to Do you knowGrammar in Use Agreement IComplete the sentences with that or who or /.(1) I’d like to make friends with people __________________ are polite.(2) It is the best gym _______________ I have ever been to.(3) I want to join the club ______________ organises activities twice a week.(4) The man ______________ broke the world record became well-known around the world.(5) The book__________________ I borrowed from Lisa is lost.For more practicewho/thatGrammar in Use Present simplethatwho/thatthat(or /)that04 For Better Performance04For Better Performance1. Listen and complete. 听录音,填写下表。听力原文Do some warm-ups before exercisingStop whenever you feel unwellDosGet a pair of sports shoesDon’tsWear tight jeansRest immediately after exercisingExercise too much04Hello, everyone. I’m your PE teacher for this term. In this first class, I’d like to give you some tips on sports. First, as to sportswear, you need to get a pair of sports shoes: they can protect your feet and ankles. Do not wear tight jeans, since they are not good for exercising. Then, you need to do some warm-ups before exercising, like stretching your arms and legs. While exercising, stop whenever you feel unwell. Also, do not rest immediately after exercising. For example, after running, walk for a few minutes and then rest. Lastly, do not exercise too much; it could harm your body.Now, let’s do some warm-ups together.中文翻译For Better Performance04For Better Performance大家好。我是你们本学期的体育老师。今天是第一堂课,我想给你们讲一些运动建议。首先,关于运动着装,你们需要准备一双运动鞋:它们可以保护你们的脚和脚踝。不要穿紧身牛仔裤,因为不方便运动。然后,在运动之前要做热身活动,比如伸展一下四肢。在运动过程中,如果感到不适,应立即停下来。另外,运动过后不要立刻停下休息。比如,跑步结束后要走几分钟再休息。最后,不要过度运动,这对身体不好。现在,让我们一起做些热身活动吧!题目04For Better Performance2. Think and discuss. 思考并讨论运动时的注意事项。What is your favourite sport Share its dos and don’ts with your classmates.My favourite sport is swimming.e.g.DosDon’ts◆do warm-ups before swimming◆prepare some water or sports drinks◆eat too much before swimming◆swim when you have a coldSwimming04For Better PerformanceSports for TodayWhat do sports mean to you Do you always have to win in sports competitions Of course not. If you win, then congratulations; if you lose, just try again! Let’s see what people say about sports.JoeLi WeiLynI do a lot of sports. This gives me energy and helps me become strong-minded.My favourite sportswoman is Zhu Ting, the volleyball player. Her story gives me a lot of strength and courage, especially when I want to give up.I like watching sports. I think sportsmen are great. Win or lose, they do it with fairness and grace.Now it’s your turn: What do sports mean to you 中文翻译TIP皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦,法国人,现代奥林匹克运动会的创始人之一。3. Read and complete. 读体育专栏中的一则文章,填写下图。043. Read and complete. 读体育专栏中的一则文章,填写下图。For Better PerformanceSportsfairnessteamworkenergystrengthcouragegrace04For Better Performance今日体育运动对你来说意味着什么?你在体育比赛中总得赢吗?当然不是。如果你赢了,那么祝贺你;如果你输了,那就再试一次!让我们来看一看人们对运动的看法吧。乔:我经常运动。运动给了我活力,也让我变得意志坚定。李伟:我最喜欢的女运动员是排球运动员朱婷。她的故事给予我许多力量和勇气,尤其是在我想要放弃的时候。琳恩:我喜欢看体育比赛。我觉得运动员们特别棒。不论输赢,他们都在运动中展现着公平和风度。现在轮到你了:运动对你来说意味着什么呢?奥林匹克运动会最重要的是参与而不是取胜……—— 现代奥林匹克运动会之父皮埃尔· 德· 顾拜旦原文044. Discuss and share. 讨论并分享运动给你带来的收获。For Better PerformanceBefore I started swimming, I didn’t feel very goodabout myself. Swimming has really helped me build up my self-confidence.Han YuYou05 Around the World05Around the WorldDo you like sports Which of the following sports would you like to try Why Have you ever tried rock climbing It’s an extreme sport that’s very popular among young people. The sport requires not only strength, but also endurance and courage. Climbers need to receive strict training and wear specialised equipment before they start climbing. In 2016, rock climbing was officially approved as an Olympic sport for the 2020 Games. That’s great news for its fans. If you want to try it, you might start with indoor climbing because it’s safer and more supervised.中文翻译05你试过攀岩吗?这是一项在年轻人中很受欢迎的极限运动。这项运动不仅需要体力,还需要耐力和勇气。攀岩者在开始这项运动之前要接受严格的训练,还要穿戴专业设备。2016年,攀岩被正式批准为2020年奥运会的比赛项目。这对攀岩爱好者们来说是个好消息。如果你想尝试攀岩,可以从室内攀岩开始,因为它更加安全,并且有人指导。原文Around the World05Do you know the origins of the marathon The marathon is a long-distance running race that’s about 42.195 kilometres long. Its origins may be traced back to 490 BC. The ancient Greeks won a battle at a place called Marathon. They sent a soldier to carry the news of the victory to the capital Athens. From Marathon to Athens, the soldier ran about 42 kilometres. This is how the marathon got its name.中文翻译Around the World05你知道马拉松赛跑的起源吗?马拉松赛跑是一项约42.195千米的长跑比赛。它的起源大概可以追溯到公元前490年。古希腊人在一个叫作马拉松的地方赢得了一场战斗。他们派一名士兵把胜利的消息带到首都雅典。从马拉松到雅典,这名士兵跑了大约42千米。这就是马拉松赛跑这一名称的由来。原文Around the World06 Fun Time06Fun Time/ :/The early bird catches the worm../ /Birds of a feather flock together.Proverbs07 My Progress Check07My Progress CheckWords and expressions I have learnt in this unit:□ fitness □ jogging □ badminton □ refreshed□ quit □ trend □ annual □ gym□ various □ event □ suit □ breathe□ upset □ diet □ goal □ tight□ stretch □ immediately □ harm □ competition□ strength □ table tennis □ Tai Chi □ video game□ mobile phone □ take part □ Olympic Games07Sentences I have learnt in this unit: I usually play badminton with my roommates. What sports do you do Every morning, I go jogging on campus for half an hour. Various sports activities can be found both on and off campus.My Progress Check07I can:□ describe my favourite sport;□ talk about different sports activities;□ write a fitness plan.I can even:□ talk about the dos and don’ts of my favourite sport;□ describe what sports mean to me.My Progress Check08Words and Expressionsfitness n. 健康table tennis(ping-pong)乒乓球运动Tai Chi 太极拳jogging n. 慢跑video game 电子游戏badminton n. 羽毛球guy n.[非正式]家伙;男人refreshed adj. 神清气爽的quit v. 停止做……;离开recently adv. 最近;不久前trend n. 趋势;动向strengthen v. (使)变强;加强beyond adv.&prep.超出(某个数量、水平或限度)annual adj. 一年一度的;每年的08Words and Expressionselderly adj. 年老的gym n. 体育馆;健身房various adj. 各种各样的event n. 活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等)suit v. 适合breathe v. 呼吸take part 参加;参与soft drink 软饮料(指不含酒精的饮料)upset adj. 不快的;烦恼的diet n. 日常饮食;节食indoor adj. 室内的;户内的mobile phone 移动电话;手机sit-up n. 仰卧起坐08Words and Expressionsplank n. 平板支撑outdoor adj. 室外的;户外的brisk walk 快步走goal n. 目标sports shoes 运动鞋ankle n. 脚踝jeans n. (pl.) 牛仔裤stretch v. 伸展immediately adv. 立刻harm v. 伤害competition n. 竞赛;比赛energy n. 力量;能源tight adj. 紧的strength n. 力量;长处08Words and Expressionsgive up 放弃fairness n. 公平grace n. 文雅;高雅teamwork n. 团队合作Olympic Games 奥运会SEE YOU NEXT UNIT!








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